Howdy Neighbour!

Please take a few moments to answer the following questions to help us understand your perceptions on the quality of life
and community direction in Parkland County as well as communication preferences and satisfaction with existing communications from us.  

You'll have the opportunity to be entered into a draw to win 1 of 3 gift cards (1 x $500, 2 x $250) for sharing your insights. 


In general, how would you rate the overall quality of life in Parkland County?
Compared to three years ago, how do you feel the quality of life has changed in Parkland County?
How likely are you to recommend Parkland County to friends or family as a place to live?

Customer Service

In the past 12 months, have you had any contact with Parkland County customer service staff, including by phone, e-mail, online or in person?
When you last had contact with the County, was it by…?
Thinking about your last contact with Parkland County Customer Service staff, how would you rate the service you received, overall?


How do you learn about local government issues?
Which newspapers do you read most often, either in print or online?
How would you rate your level of satisfaction with the following:
Local media coverage of County issues & events
Information generated by the County about issues and events
Opportunities for resident input
The Parkland County website (
Parkland County's online community engagement hub, Your Parkland (
Do you read the brochure inserted into your property tax notice?
Do you read YourParkland, the quarterly magazine that is mailed to all households in the County?
Have you subscribed to our monthly e-newsletter?
Please select each of the following social media that you use:
In general, how do you feel about the amount of information provided by the County?
In general, how do you feel about the quality of information provided by the County?

Trust and Transparency

In general, how much do you trust Parkland County to act in the best interest of the community?
How would you rate your overall level of trust in Parkland County compared to one year ago?
How transparent do you feel Parkland County is in its decision making processes?

That's it! Thank-you for your time, your input will help to shape the delivery of service in Parkland County. 

If you'd like to be entered for a draw to win 1 of 3 gift cards (1 x $500, 2 x $250), please provide your contact information. 

Please note: The prize draw is only available to Parkland County residents. We ask for your postal code to confirm residency, proof of address will be required to claim prize. 

Thank-you for your time!